
The Bouncer as a prototype

Hercules capturing Cerberus. 
For the purpose of this project the two headed Cerberus is ideal as a model for an organism that survives based on an input and output [Keeper and Instigator]. Both halves share the same source of energy and information found within the core of the seed.
Information is stored closest to the seed within. Layers of DNA are fused in thin films of mother of pearl [twice as strong as any high tech ceramic]. A product of self-assembly, the shells around the seed are formed in a sac of sea water.



These are just a few images that have been floating around in my studio, sparking ideas for the Keeper & Instigator. Thinking about why the Jellyfish or Octopus as a form are so popular when mechanics marries design brings to a conclusion efficiency.  Their shape is pared down to body and extensions which is a form perfectly suited for any environment.

Images from FFFFound

Image from Screendrafts of Matrix movies for the Sentinel robot

Image from FFFFound

Image from SpaceCollective.
Project taking Gregg Lyn's form and supersizing it into lifescaled architecture.


The Food Critics

Within an operational sense how the organism works was a big question: thinking thoroughly how it disperses within an environment, how it collects surfaces [shedding, suction cups, bio mimicry]. So far it is an "it". Where does it come from, a thistle as a generator. The energy comes from the seed. Will the seed bring forth an animal or a hybrid?
[looking into robot prosthetics to model the mixture of mechanics with a living tissue as part of an animal; if a starfish could regenerate a bionic arm instead of skin and bones]

Setting the form aside [the form seen in photographs below], the naked idea is an organism that can live in three basic environments, born out of the concept of hierarchy. This structure inherent everywhere becomes the all-consuming drive of the organism; to collect, compile an addendum of surroundings, a DNA database [remember Peter Postlethwaite in Aeon Flux, a guardian of a library in the sky that held the living memory and of every human being]. This organism would be the lab assistant of Carl Linnaeus or Ernst Haeckel. Without any database the organism is limited to its seed volume. Only through the acquisition of DNA from others does it have a method of defense, feeding or survival. Within its own system, the hierarchy of information would determine what form it would take in any given situation. The survival skills of a shark would take precedence over that of a seal. The organism is in constant flux to suit its environment, it is a hybrid of a hybrid of a hybrid... The organism is now a Keeper. It becomes the guardian of life itself, storing elemental data in preparation for nature's eventual obsolescence. 

Transmittance would occur with touch. Through a two-way osmosis, the Keeper releases nano particles into the organism as a tracking device, this link serving to transmit new skills the organism would be constantly acquiring. In return the Keeper collects both a DNA sample and a steady stream of data referencing the organism's fight for survival. Information is stored closest to the seed within. Layers of DNA are fused in thin films of mother of pearl [twice as strong as any high tech ceramic]. A product of self-assembly, the shells around the seed are formed in a sac of sea water. Surrounding the sac of water is the malleable body of the Keeper, shedding and appropriating the various forms found within the surrounding environment. 

As part of any environment, the Keeper cannot simply exist without a consequence upon its context. Like Cerebrus, the two headed guardian of Hades, the Keeper communicates with the Instigator. The Instigator operates on a nano-scale by accelerating evolution. It does so by injecting a mutation within an organism's DNA, thus constantly altering the environment.


Rupert Sheldrake deals with memory ["the basis of memory in nature....the idea of mysterious telepathy-type interconnections between organisms and of collective memories within species."] and Morphic Resonance. MR  is defined as a pattern within organisms determined not by their prescribed natures but by repitition.
..."it is not at all necessary for us to assume that the physical characteristics of organisms are contained inside the genes, which may in fact be analogous to transistors tuned in to the proper frequencies for translating invisible information into visible form. Thus, morphogenesis fields are located invisibly in and around organisms, and may account for such hitherto unexplainable phenomena as the regeneration of severed limbs by worms and salamanders, phantom limbs, the holographic properties of memory, telepathy, and the increasing ease with which new skills are learned as greater quantities of a population acquire them."


Lost Under the Table

This image was a first pass at rendering in 3D studio max. Needless to say the elementary nature of the render is useless and have begun working on a different render approach entirely.


Three Guests Change their Clothes

swamp: the important aspect was to show the above & below of the swamp environment. The two point persp. allows a magnification which is offset by the large Banyan trees which stress a vertical growth towards their roots. Banyan trees as organisms are fascinating, they double back and shoot roots to the ground, there is great potential for manipulation as shelter. *Oppressing trees is trendy in Architecture schools.

cliff: a redrawing of the first cliff idea. Continuing with the focus on verticality and sheer drop of the ice floes [inuit relocating to cliff faces bypassing the melting glaciers], playing with the possibility of either hanging structures or actually interfering withthe volume of the cliff by digging perpendicularly.

forest: splicing the view of the forest into canopy and roots. The canopy is a mode of filtration and shelter. A heirarchy existing between a macro and micro scale. The leave is a cyclic filtration at the micro scale while the trees form a collective macro filtration system. Playing around with the Fibbonacci sequence which is found in nature, is the growth of trees truly random or is there a pattern governed by reason. With the opposite view the roots and bark offer a layering of systems. From the tree's own bark as a layering over time to the idea of tree rot. A diseased tree will expose its innards while leaving the bark caseing. The Human Pappilo Virus may present itself as a growth of roots on a human's hands and feet. The virus hijacks the immune system and orders skin to grow gnarly and root like.